The aim of LBO
- Bring together local residents and providers of community and public services to address local issues and need in a more streamlined and cost effective way.
- Make better use of available resources and community assets and improve access and awareness of existing services.
- Bringing partners to identify and develop a range of new services that would be beneficial to local residents in providing a ‘package support’ of themed services to include training and employment, health and well-being, children, young people &families and financial and digital inclusion.
Key successes of LBO
- Delivering services based on need of the community, including back to work programs and work clubs, healthy lifestyle, youth club, young offenders programme, financial advice and digital inclusion.
- Developed trust and a true partnership network with over 30 organisations from across public, private, voluntary and community sector
- Awarded £18k from London Borough of Barnet’s Big Society Innovation Bank to deliver on its vision and recruit its own community worker. Awarded £10k from Barnet Homes Innovation fund who is a major supporter of LBO.
- Created a registered charity with community facilities CReSH (community resource and support hub) to deliver joined up and new services with partners
- Built the capacity and support needed by smaller organisations in the community
- Brought back a sense of ‘community’ and we are in this together approach
- Increased presence through the use of social media engagement (FB, Twitter)